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Rebuilding The Renaissance

May 31, 2023

The third of six paintings constituting Titian’s famous “Poesie” series for King Philip II of Spain, “Diana and Acteon” represents a mythological account of divine punishment. A hapless hunter named Acteon stumbles upon Diana, goddess of chastity and of the hunt, and is punished for violating her decency by...

May 24, 2023

Part of Titian’s six mythological paintings for King Philip II of Spain known as the “Poesie,” the innovative and sensual “Venus and Adonis” was the most popular. We know this because some 30 versions of the painting exist today, all of which can be traced back to 2 main prime types – the Prado and the...

May 17, 2023

In 1544, Titian produced the first of at least six versions of the Danaë subject for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, nephew of Pope Paul III. Shortly thereafter, a second version was painted and sent to King Phillip II of Spain. The immense popularity of Titian’s sensual painting style combined with the erotic nature of...

May 10, 2023

Titian’s six “poesie” – or “painted poems” – depict subjects from classical mythology and were painted for King Philip II of Spain. The paintings represent a landmark in the history of western art and exemplify the Venetian master’s late style that was characterized by dramatic subjects, sensual forms,...

May 3, 2023

Another of the great canvases for the Scuola Grande of San Marco dramatically depicts the episode where the body of the evangelist was discovered. The dark painting is dominated by theatrical chiaroscuro and showcases unconventional characters and gestures.